Child Safety
AWCC is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all children and young people. We believe that the welfare of children is paramount and that all children have the right to feel safe and be protected from harm.
AWCC adopts the following policies established by all State based cricket associations, including Cricket Victoria:
Australian Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People
Australian Cricket’s looking after our kids code of behaviour for affiliated associations and clubs
Commitment Statement for Safeguarding Children and Young People
How does AWCC ensure implement these policies?
Induction and annual training for all volunteers that interact with children including, but not limited to junior coaches, junior team managers, junior volunteers, junior scorers, senior cricket captains that have children under the age of 18 playing in their teams.
Working with Children Checks (WWCCs) required for all club Committee members and volunteers. A register of WWCCs checks to be maintained and monitored to ensure all checks are valid.
Annual briefing to junior parents/guardians to outline AWCC’s child safe measures and position on matters such as:
Physical contact with children
Overnight stays and sleeping arrangements
Change room arrangements
Transporting children
Pick up and collection of children
Photography and live streaming involving children and
Attending to an injured or unwell child.
Screening of volunteer roles requiring contact with children to ensure that all volunteers are suited to work with children and have an appropriate understanding of child safety principles and practices.
Child Safety is a standing agenda item at all Committee meetings to discuss the implementation of child safe policies and initiatives.
Complaints process that articulates the steps taken to report, assess and address complaints.
Child Safe Officer
The AWCC Child Safe Officer has a responsibility to champion the child safety message and ensure that the club has adopted the child safety policies and implements the relevant practices and procedures.
The Child Safe Officer must at all times hold a valid Working with Children Check.
The Child Safe Officer will be the first point of contact for all safeguarding children and young people matters.
Child Safe Officer: Daniel Nguyen
Email: danielnguyen14@gmail.com
Phone: 0413 333 198
Member Protection
AWCC adopts the Member Protection Policy from Cricket Victoria, which applies to all Victorian cricket organisations. The policy exists to protect the safety and wellbeing of all Victorian cricket participants.
The Member Protection Policy prohibits the behaviour or conduct that causes harm and/or disrespects any person in Victorian cricket. Breaches of this policy include:
Child Safeguarding Matters
Sexual Misconduct
Unlawful discrimination
Breaching the Code of Behaviour
Breach of the Member Protection Declaration and
Breach of any by-law, policy or requirement of Cricket Victoria.
If any person has a concern or complaint about any conduct or behaviour in Victorian cricket that may constitute a breach listed above, they can make a Report or Complaint to the most relevant and appropriate Victorian Cricket Organisation. Reports and Complaints will then be managed under the Cricket Victoria Complaints and Resolution Policy.
Member Protection Information Officer
The Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) is a role within the AWCC to listen to issues and complaints raised by members of AWCC before triaging and referring them to the right place/resolution.
Reports and Complaints involving Children or Young People and Serious Breaches involving potentially criminal conduct should initially be referred to Cricket Victoria via its MPIO mailbox at mpio@cricketvictoria.com.au. Cricket Victoria may delegate a Report or Complaint to another relevant Victorian Cricket Organisation, as appropriate.
Read more about the Cricket Victoria Member Protection Policy here and Complaints and Resolution Policy here.
Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO): Lachlan Baird
Email: Lachlan.baird@gmail.com​
Phone: 0433 439 615